भाखड़ा ब्यास प्रबन्ध बोर्ड

भाखड़ा ब्यास प्रबन्ध बोर्ड

कार्यालय आदेश / परिपत्र

NOTE :  Each circular valid upto three years from date mention in below table. Kindly note it.

कार्यालय आदेश संख्यापरिपत्र संख्याविषयतारीखडाउनलोड
Memo No.283/PD-418/APD-3/Vol-8 dated 11.03.20251 Contractual employment on part time to Dr. Maninderjit Kaur Dental Surgeon11-03-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
66/PD-161/APD-21 Regarding Transfer and Posting in R/o Er. Bhaskar, PSPCL Cadre and Er. Tushar Sharma, PSPCL Cadre. 07-03-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
03/R&R/1007/Vol-II/R-103 Office Order of Grievance Redressal Officers 06-03-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
1 Approval for 103 posts of apprentices for various trades under Chief Engineer/Beas Dam, BBMB, Talwara for the year 2025-26. 05-03-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
65/PD-4241/APD-1 dated 05.02.20252 Sanction of LTC-Sh.Balwinder Kumar, Supdt-I (WRD Punjab)05-03-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
62/PD-66/APD-1 dated 04.03.2025 1 Delegation of powers.05-03-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
399-402 Assessing the impact and implications for resilience of flooding from persistent heavy monsoon rain in northwest India in the year 2023.28-02-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
58/APD-4670/APD-21 Regarding Repatriation Order in R/o Er. Satish Kumar, HPGCL Cadre. 28-02-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
4190-4252/R&R/4187/RPS-2016/Vol-302/2025 Regarding pay scales / pay matrix as per 7th CPC of various categories of PSPCL (i.e. JE/Civil, Electrician Gr. - II, Medical Officer, Law Officer Gr. - II, Internal Auditor, & Steno Typist etc.) in supersession of FC No. 37/2024 dated 25.09.202427-02-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
57/PD-4436/APD-2 dated 27.02.20251 Ex-India Leave-Smt. Savita Chaudhary, Supdt-I (PSPCL)27-02-2025 यहां क्लिक करे
प्रदर्शित आइटम  1  को  10  का  1274

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