Month-Year | Title | Description | |
Jan-2025 |
Chief Engineer/ Bhakra Dam, BBMB, Nangal Township.
Posting of details on award of tenders/contracts on website/bulltins-MonthIy return for the month of January, 2025.
(1 MB)
Jan-2025 |
Chief Engineer/BSL, BBMB, Sundernagar
1. Statement of contracts / works awarded during the month of 01/2025.
2. Statement of on-going contracts/works with award value more than Rs. 2 Lacs during the month of 01/2025 .
(7 MB)
Dec-2024 |
Chief Engineer/ Bhakra Dam, BBMB, Nangal Township.
Posting of details on award of tenders/contracts on website/bulltins-MonthIy return for the month of December, 2024.
(984 KB)
Dec-2024 |
Chief Engineer/ Transmission System, BBMB, Chandigarh.
Quarterly progress report for supply/purchase contract of ₹ 5 crores ending by 31.12.2024
(190 KB)
Dec-2024 |
Chief Engineer/BSL, BBMB, Sundernagar
1. Statement of contracts / works awarded during the month of 12/2024.
2. Statement of on-going contracts/works with award value more than Rs. 2 Lacs during the month of 12/2024.
(18 MB)
Dec-2024 |
Chief Engineer/ Transmission System, BBMB, Chandigarh.
Return showing the quarterly progress of original works ending 31.12.2024 in respect of Chief Engineer/ Transmission System Administration, Chandigarh
(435 KB)
Nov-2024 |
Chief Engineer/ Bhakra Dam, BBMB, Nangal Township.
Statement of on-going contracts/works with award value more than Rs. 2 Lacs for the month of November, 2024.
(4 MB)
Nov-2024 |
Chief Engineer/ Bhakra Dam, BBMB, Nangal Township.
Posting of details on award of tenders/contracts on website/bulltins-MonthIy return for the month of November, 2024.
(2 MB)
Nov-2024 |
Chief Engineer/BSL, BBMB, Sundernagar
1. Statement of contracts / works awarded during the month of 11/2024.
2. Statement of on-going contracts/works with award value more than Rs. 2 Lacs during the month of 11/2024
(24 MB)
Oct-2024 |
Chief Engineer/ Bhakra Dam, BBMB, Nangal Township.
Statement of on-going contracts/works with award value more than Rs. 2 Lacs for the month of October, 2024.
(4 MB)